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Item Number: 67054S

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Align your library resources to your state's academic standards.

The Standards service aligns your library resources and educator-selected websites to your standards. Educators appreciate the easy-to-use interface that facilitates standards-driven curriculum by listing resources aligned to the academic standards in your district.

Standards transforms your library into an indispensable curriculum tool by allowing you to:

  • Work smarter with the resources you have
  • Simplify curriculum development and save teachers’ time
  • Promote student learning through quality resources that target achievement goals
  • Provide access to standards-aligned resources 24/7
The Standards service helps maximize your existing library resources by aligning them to the following academic standards:

  • United States core and secondary
  • Common Core
  • Canadian Provincial core
  • Puerto Rico
  • American Education Reaches Out (AERO) 
Approved for:
  • Destiny® Library Manager™
67054S : Brochure Brochure:
1. Standards-Alignment-brochure-10-11.pdf



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